Monday, September 6, 2010

BitLash - Open Source Language Shell

Bitlash is an open source interpreted language shell and embedded programming environment. This website documents Bitlash for the popular and useful Arduino.
The Bitlash shell runs entirely on the Arduino and supports many of the familiar Arduino functions. Bitlash interprets commands you type on the serial port:
bitlash here! v1.1 (c) 2010  -type HELP- 1383 bytes free
> print "Hello, world!", millis()
Hello, world! 11939
It’s easy to extend Bitlash by naming a sequence of commands as a Macro, which is like a new word in the Bitlash language. A Bitlash application is a set of such macros, and since they are stored in the EEPROM, Bitlash can start up your application automatically at boot time for standalone operation.
In cases where you need native C code to get closer to the hardware, perhaps for speed or to interface with a custom peripheral, it’s also easy to integrate your C code with Bitlash as a User Function.
Read on for more about Bitlash.

Quick Start


What is Bitlash?

Bitlash is an embedded interpreter that runs in about 14k of memory on an Atmel AVR processor. It works nicely with Arduino to make a development and prototyping tool for those situations where you need to bang some bits on the Arduino but writing a sketch in C is premature. It’s very convenient for bringing up and debugging new hardware.
The Bitlash command language is very similar to Arduino C and includes a large repertiore of the familiar Arduino C functions so you can hack your hardware from the serial command line or even over the internet via telnet.
You can store commands as macros in EEPROM and autostart them at bootup, making the automation and maintenance of small applications very easy. Here is the classic Blink13 program as a complete Bitlash application in two macros, toggle13 to toggle the led and startup to initialize and run it:
> toggle13:="d13=!d13"
> startup:="pinmode(13,1);run toggle13,1000"
> boot
(d13 flashes)

Download Bitlash

The current version of Bitlash is available at the Download page.  
• install
Table of Contents

The Bitlash Install Page


You need an Arduino connected to a PC with a working Arduino IDE. These directions are for Arduino IDE version 0018, but they work for the earlier 0017 version too. Since Bitlash is an Arduino library you upload with a sketch, you need to be comfortable uploading sketches. Get this working first to save debugging headaches. There is plenty of help over at the Arduino Forums.

Download BitlashThe current version of Bitlash is available at the Download page.

Install Bitlash: Arduino 0018 IDE

The Arduino Development Environment Guide specifies this procedure for installing third party libraries:
"To install these third-party libraries, create a directory
called libraries within your sketchbook directory. Then unzip
the library there."
There is also a post on the Arduino weblog with further explanation.
So, to install Bitlash,
  • Create a directory called libraries within your sketchbook directory
  • Unzip the download and copy or move the Bitlash distribution folder into the libraries folder you just created Rename the resulting folder to simply bitlash, if necessary, to remove the version number. You should end up with a folder setup that looks like this:
  • Restart the Arduino IDE; if all goes well, you will find the bitlash library listed in the Sketch / Import Library menu.
  • Select File / Examples / bitlash / bitlashdemo to open the demo sketch, then File / Upload to compile and upload it to your Arduino.
When your upload is complete, you are ready to connect to Bitlash. Proceed to the next section on Connecting.

Connect With a Terminal Emulator

Connect to the serial port at 57600 baud using whatever terminal emulator works for you. Here are some options:
  • You can use the built-in Arduino Serial Monitor, but see the note below
  • On Windows, HyperTerminal seems popular
  • On OS X I use screen, CoolTerm, and
  • On Linux screen is available on most distributions
You can use the Arduino “Serial Monitor” function with Bitlash, but you must employ a bit of a workaround to compensate for the fact that Serial Monitor does have a way to send a line ending carriage return at the end of a line of input.
The workaround is that you must end each line of input with the 'accent grave' character, the '`' found at the top left of many keyboards. This workaround is not necessary if you use a terminal program that sends the line ending characters.
Here is an example using the screen program in OS X to connect with Bitlash on a USB-connected Arduino. The /dev/tty.usb… part is the virtual serial port name that you can find in the Arduino Tools/Serial Port menu and the 57600 is the baud rate:
bitlash 1.1 here! (c) 2010 -type HELP- 335 bytes free
Congratulations, you are up and running: Bitlash is listening for commands, as signified by the '>' prompt.

Now that you have a command prompt you can type a command, and press Enter.
Here is the usual Hello World example you might run as your first Bitlash program:
> print "Hello, world!"
Hello, world!
While you're there you might check the arithmetic:
> print 2+2

No discussion of “Hello, world!” for embedded systems would be complete without blinking an LED. This example shows how to build a complete Bitlash application using macros and auto-start.
First it is necessary to introduce the concept of pin variables: Bitlash gives direct access to the digital IO pins via single-bit variables named d0, d1, d2, and so on. You can read a pin variable's value and print it like this:
> print d12
…and assign it like this:
> d13=1   // turn on pin 13
…though you must remember to set the pin mode if you want the port to be an output:
> pinmode(13,1)
So, returning to blink13, what we want is to toggle the pin periodically. Let's define a macro named toggle13 to toggle the pin:
> toggle13 := "d13 = !d13"
A macro named toggle13 containing the Bitlash code “d13=!d13” is defined and saved in EEPROM. When the macro toggle13 runs, this program text sets pin d13 to the logical complement of its current value: if it was zero, it becomes one, and vice versa.
Now all we need is to arrange for toggle13 to be run at the desired toggle rate, let's say every 1000 milliseconds; and let's not forget to set pin 13 as an output. By using the special macro name startup we designate this macro to be automagically run at boot time, completing our application:
startup := "pinmode(13,1); run toggle13,1000"
List our macros to make sure they're right using the ls command:
> ls
toggle13:="d13 = !d13"
startup:="pinmode(13,1); run toggle13,1000"
You can run the startup macro from the command line to test:
> startup
(the LED on pin d13 is blinking)
You can also restart to test the power-on startup:
> boot
bitlash here! v1.0...
(the LED on pin d13 is blinking)

Congratulations! If you get this far, you have a free-standing development environment on your Arduino.
You will very likely find it useful to proceed to the Documentation Index.

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