Monday, September 6, 2010

Determine Postition Of Sun With Arduino

//Provides sun position (relative) from static variables

#include <math.h>
#define pi    3.14159265358979323846
#define twopi (2*pi)
#define rad   (pi/180)
#define EarthMeanRadius     6371.01 // In km
#define AstronomicalUnit    149597890 // In km

//Input Variables --------------------- TIME HAS TO BE IN UT (UNIVERSAL TIME)! NO TIME ZONES OR SUMMER TIMES --------
//My last modifications were probably at this time on this date!
int Year = 2010; //year
int Month = 7; //month
int Day = 3; //day
float Hours = 16; //hour
float Minutes = 38; //minutes

float Longitude = 1.4756; //enter longitude here
float Latitude = 1.5763; //enter latitude here

//Program Variables
float ZenithAngle;
float Azimuth;
        float RightAscension;
float Declination;
        float Parallax;
        float ElevationAngle;

float ElapsedJulianDays;
float DecimalHours;
float EclipticLongitude;
float EclipticObliquity;

void setup() {

void sunPos(){

// Auxiliary variables
float dY;
float dX;

// Calculate difference in days between the current Julian Day
// and JD 2451545.0, which is noon 1 January 2000 Universal Time

float JulianDate;
long int liAux1;
long int liAux2;
// Calculate time of the day in UT decimal hours
DecimalHours = Hours + (Minutes / 60.0);
// Calculate current Julian Day
liAux1 =(Month-14)/12;
liAux2=(1461*(Year + 4800 + liAux1))/4 + (367*(Month
- 2-12*liAux1))/12- (3*((Year + 4900
+ liAux1)/100))/4+Day-32075;
// Calculate difference between current Julian Day and JD 2451545.0
ElapsedJulianDays = JulianDate-2451545.0;

// Calculate ecliptic coordinates (ecliptic longitude and obliquity of the
// ecliptic in radians but without limiting the angle to be less than 2*Pi
// (i.e., the result may be greater than 2*Pi)

float MeanLongitude;
float MeanAnomaly;
float Omega;
MeanLongitude = 4.8950630+ 0.017202791698*ElapsedJulianDays; // Radians
MeanAnomaly = 6.2400600+ 0.0172019699*ElapsedJulianDays;
EclipticLongitude = MeanLongitude + 0.03341607*sin( MeanAnomaly )
+ 0.00034894*sin( 2*MeanAnomaly )-0.0001134
EclipticObliquity = 0.4090928 - 6.2140e-9*ElapsedJulianDays

// Calculate celestial coordinates ( right ascension and declination ) in radians
// but without limiting the angle to be less than 2*Pi (i.e., the result may be
// greater than 2*Pi)

float Sin_EclipticLongitude;
Sin_EclipticLongitude= sin( EclipticLongitude );
dY = cos( EclipticObliquity ) * Sin_EclipticLongitude;
dX = cos( EclipticLongitude );
RightAscension = atan2( dY,dX );
if( RightAscension < 0.0 ) RightAscension = RightAscension + twopi;
Declination = asin( sin( EclipticObliquity )*Sin_EclipticLongitude );

// Calculate local coordinates ( azimuth and zenith angle ) in degrees

float GreenwichMeanSiderealTime;
float LocalMeanSiderealTime;
float LatitudeInRadians;
float HourAngle;
float Cos_Latitude;
float Sin_Latitude;
float Cos_HourAngle;
GreenwichMeanSiderealTime = 6.6974243242 +
+ DecimalHours;
LocalMeanSiderealTime = (GreenwichMeanSiderealTime*15
+ Longitude)*rad;
HourAngle = LocalMeanSiderealTime - RightAscension;
LatitudeInRadians = Latitude*rad;
Cos_Latitude = cos( LatitudeInRadians );
Sin_Latitude = sin( LatitudeInRadians );
Cos_HourAngle= cos( HourAngle );
ZenithAngle = (acos( Cos_Latitude*Cos_HourAngle
*cos(Declination) + sin( Declination )*Sin_Latitude));
dY = -sin( HourAngle );
dX = tan( Declination )*Cos_Latitude - Sin_Latitude*Cos_HourAngle;
Azimuth = atan2( dY, dX );
if ( Azimuth < 0.0 )
       Azimuth = Azimuth + twopi;
Azimuth = Azimuth/rad;
// Parallax Correction
ZenithAngle=(ZenithAngle //Zenith angle is from the top of the visible sky (thanks breaksbassbleeps)
+ Parallax)/rad;
                ElevationAngle = (90-ZenithAngle); //Retrieve useful elevation angle from Zenith angle

void loop(){
  sunPos(); //Run sun position calculations
  Serial.print("Elevation Angle:  ");
  Serial.println(ElevationAngle, 0); //Print Elevation (Vertical) with no decimal places as accuracy is not really great enough
  Serial.print("Azimuth:  ");
  Serial.println(Azimuth, 0); //Print Azimuth (Horizontal) with no decimal places
  if(ElevationAngle < 0)
  Serial.println("The sun has set. Get some sleep!");
  delay(10000); //Delay 10 seconds - Values aren't going to have changed anyway as they are currently static variables!

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